You come across a lot of people in "der supercar business". Many of them good, decent, classy people who are true enthusiasts. Many of them customers are doctors, attorneys, architects, and what have you - and (being decent people) many of them confine their high-speed antics to racetracks.
All too often, though, you get some asshole who truly believes the only difference between him and JPM is that asshole's daddy didn't buy asshole a go-kart when he was seven. Charles "the Mask" Lewis seems to be that type of guy ... but maybe "seemed" is a better word: Charles Lewis died last night, in what FOX LA news calls a "horrific Ferrari crash" (see pic, above).
This "tragic" accident occurred when Chuck there - founder of TAPOUT - was apparently just jamming along in his Ferrari (alongside an equally "innocent" Porsche) when a tree suddenly jumped out in front of him, tearing Lewis, the Ferrari, and the unidentified decorative seat-cover he had along for the ride into a bazillion gooey pieces ... and we, dear readers, are supposed to care.
That's right: we are supposed to care about this dildo (below, center) killing himself at triple-digit speeds on a public road.

For my part, I have lost far too many friends to drunks and street-racers, and I am glad - glad Glad GLAD GLAD - that this idiot has only killed himself (so far, the girl is still being listed as "critical"). I know it's tacky to speak ill of the dead, but I consider this speaking well of the living, and I sincerely hope that everyone reading this got as big a laugh out of THE ULTIMATE TAPOUT as I did.
See you in Hell, Chuck.
CLICK HERE for more gruesome Ferrari-snuff pics, courtesy of CarZi. CLICK HERE to hear some tearful BS about what a great guy this potential murderer was supposed to be, and HERE to sample some of the self-serving PR spin coming out of TAPOUT's offices.
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